Mentor for Team 7 (
Offei-Darko Lord is a biologist with much interest and experience in the environmental advocacy space. In the record of a highlighted experience, he was one of the young African scientists who advocated with UrbanBetter to drive further regional (Africa) air pollution policies, contributing to 2022's International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. As he is gradually building a career, he possesses outstanding writing skills and in-depth and extensive knowledge of various ecosystems he has experience with such as biodiversity conservation, STEM, environmental governance, climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as pollution. He has comprehensive knowledge of project design and is training/mentoring youth individuals all over Africa as a consultant for OFWA’s Kiwix Project. As a certified foundational primer for Agenda 2030’s sustainable development by the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), Offei-Darko Lord has spent the last 2 years working to bridge the gap “between international decisions on issues such as climate change and technology with the reality on the ground.”